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Infrared-to-Haptic Wearable
Infrared-to-Haptic Wearable
technology application

Infrared-to-Haptic Wearable

updatedNov 21, 2022

Bram Van Oost @

An infrared goggle-based setup translates the surrounding environment into haptic feedback vibration sleeves, supporting navigation for people who are visually impaired.
An infrared goggle-based setup translates the surrounding environment into haptic feedback vibration sleeves, supporting navigation for people who are visually impaired.

This obstacle avoidance system helps visually impaired people navigate indoor and outdoor environments, without interfering with the user’s sense of hearing. The wearable device is composed of two infrared cameras mounted on glasses connected with haptic feedback sleeves. The armbands feature sewn-in programmable vibration motors and are made of stretchable fabric, providing comfort to users of all body types.

By using the distance information captured by the IR cameras, it is possible to translate and map the surroundings into the 2D vibration array on the forearm in real-time. As the wearer gets closer to the obstacles, the vibration intensity increases, and the location of the vibration also signals proximity. Lighting conditions do not affect this system, allowing indoor and outdoor operational modes. This solution can provide more independence for people who are visually impaired as well as their caregivers.

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1 organizations
3 technology domains
3 industries
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Communications
8 topics
  • Global Health
  • Youth and Sport
  • Universal Health Coverage
  • Inclusion of People with Disabilities
  • Urbanization
  • Sustainable Mobility
  • Political & Social Participation
  • Human Rights
2 SDGs
  • 03 Good Health and Well-Being
  • 10 Reduce inequalities