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CO2 Extractor Array
CO2 Extractor Array
technology application

CO2 Extractor Array

updatedAug 31, 2023

Igor @

Huge array fans able to extract CO2 directly from the atmosphere.
Huge array fans able to extract CO2 directly from the atmosphere.

Huge array fans able to extract CO2 directly from the atmosphere. This Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology uses different processes to achieve gas-separation such as water electrolysis and fuel synthesis. Current applications make different uses of the captured carbon dioxide, such as pumping it back into the soil, CO2 enrichment in greenhouses, soda fizz for beverages or even carbon-neutral fuels for ships and airplanes.

Gender Equality


  • Studies have shown that gender differences in health are likely to be exacerbated by climate change. Such technologies must account for the needs of the most vulnerable or other biological conditions, not only for men.


  • In societies with greater gender equality, there will be relatively lower impacts on the environment, as recent research suggests. This technology could be particularly important in the co-evolution between people, regardless of their gender, and their tools.

  • Women in poorer communities around the world are more vulnerable to the damaging effects of a polluted atmosphere; this technology could improve their health.

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5 stories
5 organizations
1 technology domains
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  • Energy
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  • Construction
  • Environment & Resources
9 topics
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  • Energy
  • Green Economy
  • Green and Climate Finance
  • Investments
  • Mitigation of Green House Gas Emissions
  • Natural Resources
  • Waste Management and Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency
  • Water
5 SDGs
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  • 09 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
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